How to show Profile on the Product page
In the previous post, you knew about creat a new Profile. Now, to show this Profile on the Product page, make sure the checkout rule is added as instructions in part Add rule checkout at the following link and follow 2 steps:
1. Enable app embed
Make sure to enable app embed in 2 ways:
1.1. From the Stockify app dashboard
Go to the Stockify app dashboard, click the Enable app embed button

1.2. From Themes Customize
Go to the dashboard Shopify open Themes -> Customize -> App embeds icon
Please enable the Stockify App and Save

2. How to show Profile on the Product page
On the Product page, you have just drag and drop block Stockify into the position you want. There are 6 block show settings of Profile

2.1. Stockify Button
- Pre-order button:

* Note: The Pre-order button does not show when adding the Stockify button block only, you have to add the Stockify purchase option block at the same time.
- Coming Soon button:

2.2. Stockify Price
Displays the price corresponding to the selected purchase option. Before the pre-order start date and after the pre-order end date, the Block will hidden.

2.3. Stockify Countdown
Countdown will follow the dates set for pre-order in the General and Purchase options tab.

2.4. Stockify Purchase Options
Drap "Stockify Purchase Options" block will show purchase options.
After the limit is reached, the block will hidden.

2.5. Stockify Roadmap
Drap "Stockify Roadmap" block will show Roadmap, show block at any time, including before and after the pre-order date or after the limit is reached.

2.6. Stockify Info Message
Display the content set in the info message in the General tab